How to create the correct positions of female hands in a photo
Neither amateurs nor professional photographers thoroughly know all the nuances of the position of the hands in the photo frame. Beginning photographers and models have no idea at all about post-shoot photo manipulation to improve quality with little effort.
Such details can attract people, setting the right tone and quality of the picture. But if the photographer neglects our advice, then an image can become a stunning model. Usually, people think that their hands are an element of everyday life and little attention is paid to them.
Pictures remember a lot — from facial expressions to wrinkles caused by tight clothing. And these facts should be emphasized. Experts believe that the worst thing is a long preparation, and then a failure in posing. Therefore, this should be seriously avoided.
Human hands can be used as an expression of emotion to convey a certain mood and posture. But these limbs cannot be called the most attractive part of the human body. Sometimes they have an unnatural look and draw attention to the wrong elements of the photo.
In fact, there are no rules in any manual, because any person has individual characteristics. You just need to learn to see the flaws from a positive angle, if this is not a documentary film. The latter requires realism. Let’s already start studying the manual on hand poses and find out the specifics.
Summarizing the above, the poses of women’s hands should be sensual and elegant, regardless of the planned plot. Men’s hands demonstrate a different body language — strength and masculinity, while the beautiful half are interested in curious tricks with which you can make a memorable portrait. In our material, we will talk about the mass of creative ideas for organizing a photo shoot.
Each of the photographers has its own individual working style and trends. Many people think that in a good photo, you need to pay careful attention to everything, even the smallest elements. Hands should work in the frame, and not just be. They can hold props, support the body, or contrast with the subtle lines of the body.
Photo ideas with poses of female hands:
- Poses with crossed arms.
- Do not take a position with your hands on your hip.
- You need to calm down and take off.
- Do not bend your wrists, your hands should be in different positions.
- Stand up so that there can be good postures of the right hand.
- In a sitting position, try the head-on-hand pose.
- Practicing the position of two hands at face level
- Consider recommendations from professionals.
Poses with crossed arms
Beginning photographers will optimally use any props. You should also avoid crossing your arms over your chest, as this does not paint a woman. Experts advise an object that matches the plot, because it should give meaning to the image, and the model should be open. It is important to come up with an image of a model with props in hand. Among them, it is worth highlighting bouquets of flowers, pencils, an umbrella, and even shoes.
A girl should feel relaxed and calm when accessories are in her hands. If it is occupied with drawing or other work, then the photo will turn out much better than with non-moving hands, coupled with a dead look. There should be no nervousness or tension in the photo frame.
If the crossing of the arms is ideal for the chosen subject image of the model, then it is better to make sure that the wrist, finger, or whole arm looks natural in the photo. Find the right angle to shoot. Not everybody with crossed arms is successful. You can change sides and play with lighting.
Don’t take a position with your hands on your hip
This pose does not improve the picture or diversify the plot. There are not even retouching apps to correct this position with contrast and color. But if you still have to take a photo with this pose, then you need to make sure that your hands lie softly, and that there are bends on your wrists.
It is necessary that the girl does not lift her shoulders, because then the neck is shortened in the picture, and the proportions of the body change. The neck of a woman is a sensitive element of the body, so you need to hide it very carefully so as not to harm the plot.
It is worth calming down and filming
Using clever variations on the same pose can make a huge difference. You need to relax as much as possible to get the necessary shots. Not everyone can be calm and natural, so you need to hide behind things.
A number of models do not think that their body is suitable for shooting. But professionals say that most female shots show the exact features and character of any woman.
Wrists do not bend, hands should be in different positions
Sometimes when looking at photographs of people, examples of “broken” wrists slip through. But this is a comfortable position for girls, but it should be avoided because this effect destroys the atmosphere. Such curves look unnatural.
All photographers know that the female body is the focus of smooth curved lines, so any bend and angle should be softened, especially when shots are taken for a fashion magazine. This is the only option where wrist flexion can be tolerated.
Examples of wrong angles show how a beautiful model can be in the photo as a robot or mannequin. You need to understand how to find your hands so as not to make sharp bends and unnatural positions. The fingers should be relaxed along with the model. Straight clenched fingers are a sign of anxiety.
Get up so that there are good postures on the right hand
The hardest part is finding the right-hand placement for full-length portrait shots. The most common posture is with one arm at hip level and the other bent down along the torso. The right hand should be in front of the camera, and the left should be almost invisible. It is better to ensure that all parts of the body are in the frame.
But here is a rather difficult choice. The wrist will attract attention when it is slightly rotated so that instead of a bend at the elbow, a graceful line can be seen from the shoulders to the palms. This will add dynamics to the photo.
In a sitting position, try the head-on-hand pose.
If the model does not want to be photographed in full growth, then a beautiful chair will come to the rescue. With the help of a sofa, bed, or table, you can create new options for images and pose.
In the sitting position, most options are not only for the whole body but also for a specific part. It is better to make a portrait of a working or reading person while sitting. It is convenient and attracts attention with the rule of triangles. They are formed by the elbows and the face, which ensures maximum attention to the portrait. When sitting, it is better not to put your hands on your hips to avoid a dull atmosphere.
Practicing the position of two hands at face level
There are no specific rules that say whether the hands should touch the face of the model. It is only by looking at the lens that the photographer can decide if it is worth it to improve the subject of the photo. The right attitude can attract attention, but also cause rejection. It is necessary to take into account the specifics of the storyline and models in order to find the optimal solution.
Consider recommendations from professionals
Do not put your hands on your knees in a sitting position. You need to add some space between the fingers. Clenched fingers create a flat picture, and in a professional photo, there should be no curves and lack of emotion.
The photo session must be prepared in advance. You need to pay attention to the nails, their color, and skin care. It is also worth using the natural attractiveness of the finished accessory. A woman’s hand in her hair is very elegant, but sometimes this option is also suitable for men.
A variety of clothes can also provide good inspiration. Beautiful shots will turn out with jeans, skirts, and dresses with props and pockets. Hand in the pocket as a pose attracts both sexes at any time of the year. You need to watch your fingers, whether they are visible or not visible.
Practice is impossible without borrowing and disseminating experience. Also, it will not be superfluous to learn new tools that improve images with the help of a manual and special software. This will give you the opportunity to enjoy your work and achieve positive feedback from customers.
To get professionally edited photos use a high-quality retouching service RetouchMe. As the leading photo editor app for iPhone and Android, RetouchMe provides over 100 options for face and body correction, skin enhancement, object, and background manipulation. Using a professional photo editor, you will quickly and efficiently hide flaws and emphasize your natural beauty!